Looking for an inspiring summer read?
Depending from which hemisphere you are reading this, summer vacation may be starting. If that is your case, don’t forget to pick out at least a few inspiring books to bring with you. Before buying a new book, here are a few tips:
- Ask on social media if any friends have the one you’re looking for to lend you.
- Look for the digital version of it, if you already have an e-reader or a tablet.
- Visit a library or a second hand bookstore (even if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, you will probably discover some lost treasures).
Inspiring books, fiction or non-fiction, can change the way we see the world. And that can be a huge step towards changing the way we act in the world. To help you choose, we have selected 5 inspiring reading by 5 inspiring women. Enjoy the readings and the summer!
1. Silent Spring – Rachel Carson, 1962 > Considered to be one of the first and most important environmental books ever written, “Silent Spring” is credited to have caused the banning of DDT in the United States.
2. We Are Displaced: My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World – Malala Yousafzai, 2018 > The book features stories from refugee girls from around the world, including Nobel Peace Prize-winner Malala Yousafzai
3. Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 2017 > This small book premise is to reunite 15 suggestions to raise feminist girls, but it turns out to be an interesting and inspiring reflection for everyone.
4) Freedom is a Constant Struggle – Angela Davies, 2015 > If you want to inspire the activist in you during this summer, this book emphasizes the importance of activism to change reality.
5) No one is too small to make a difference – Greta Thumberg, 2019 > Published a few months ago, this book presents some speeches by 16 year old activist Greta Thumberg. As the title says, she defends that no one is too small to make a difference and makes an urgent call to collective action.
*About us: MAIA for the SDGs is an intensive program that will provide you with tools, skills and a support network to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
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